
Not as strong as us




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-17-2020, 12:55 AM

It was early morning, and part of his family still slept. Now that he was given freedoms, he couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping for another moment and missing out on anything the world had to offer. He made his way out of the den, which had more allowances for the little pups to leave then it did before.

He made his way across the bridge, and into the tall grasses. He was pouncing about in the dirt beneath a tree, when he heard a soft squark. He nosed about, investigating, before he found the creature making the noise. It was even smaller than him, beak wide open and pointing up at him, head squatted in a funny position. He laughed at the silly creature, and swatted it with a paw. It made a funny squeaking noise, coming out of its begging pose, and twittering angrily at him. He moved in a circle around it, watching it from every angle as through that would tell him what it was.

It followed his movements, and then stuck out its beak again, mouth open, waiting, expectant. He swatted at its face, uncertain what it wanted. To play? Was it asking him to play? He was happy to oblige, and decided to pounce on it, just like he would his siblings. As he landed there was a strange cracking sound, like twigs under foot, and the creature fell still. He frowned, looking at it in confusion, and nudging it with a paw. It fell over, unmoving. He leaped back in surprise, watching it intently as though it was playing a trick on him. He poked it again, cautiously, and from further away, stretching out a paw. Nothing. He gained confidence, moving closer, nudging it each time he did so, until he was standing over it. He picked it up in his mouth, shaking it softly, the only movement it gave was in time with the rocking of his head.
