
Among Clashing Tides


08-23-2013, 01:58 PM

Glancing over at Taurig after telling him it was his turn to ask a question, she could see his brows come together as he thought of one. She would turn away though, grabbing the sheet in her jaws, a low growl of irritation coming from her at the displeasing scraping sound it created when she started to pull it. Little by little she would pull it over, trying to make as less scraping she could with her teeth. "What will you be when you get older?" His question would make her ears twitch.

What would she become when she got older? Seraphine never really thought about it, just went on doing whatever each day. As she pulled the sheet over though she tried thinking of the possibilities. The girl wasn't too sure if she would stick with Valhalla once she was old enough to live on her own, but there was a small feeling that she would leave and join either a different pack or live the life a rogue. Maybe join a pack later in her life, depended on what happened in her life. What she knew for sure was that she wanted to learn how to fight well, be a good hunter and learn as much as she could. Be educated. Maybe if she did join a pack she would try for a high rank, aim for Beta one day and eventually become an alpha.

Reaching where the shelter was the shewolf would drop the sheet, tongue hanging out the side of her jaws in a pant. "I think," she began, bringing the sheet closer a bit before sliding it over her head. "I want to be a warrior, or somebody who helps make important decisions for their pack." She would move close to the bush and junk Taurig's roof was propped up on, angling the sheet so it would be alongside his. "I guess I Want to be kind of important and known, but not just for that, I want to make a difference I guess." She got the sheet in place, panting, but not heavily under the sun. Now that her ideas were out there she felt kind of silly, she was still young, almost a year old and already had these small dreams. Would this guy think she was silly, stupid for wanting such a thing?

"Is it silly to have such hopes already?" She asked softly, she had walked up to the side she had just put up, head underneath it so only her body was exposed to the heat. She wanted to know what he thought about it, maybe he could offer some advice on how to get there.


Awesome image by Trynx <3