
I See You


5 Years
Athena I
08-23-2013, 02:10 PM

Meili was touched by the care that Gael had for her. Knowing that he was willing to isolate himself to keep her from getting sick was extremely sweet of him and she almost felt bad for poking fun at him for not telling her that he was leaving. She couldn't help but smile and giggle as he crouched to nuzzle under her chin. He was so adorable, really. "Of course I forgive you, my big man. You meant well, I know." She reached up to give his muzzle a lick, her teal gaze finding his happily.

She shook her head at his apology, waving it off with a grin. "No worries, you didn't know. If it had been anyone else though I would have been very annoyed with them, but how can I be mad at you?" she said with a laugh, an easy, relaxed grin finding its way onto her muzzle. She had felt lost without Gael while he was away and now that she could see that cerulean gaze of his again she felt whole once again. He couldn't seem to pull his gaze away from hers and she honestly didn't mind. She could gaze into those cerulean eyes for hours and be happy. But, she had a job to do. Giving his chin an affectionate lick, she pulled her eyes from his, gazing around the valley around them, wondering if they would be able to find a suitable meal now.
