
Somethin's Fishy 'Round Here




4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
02-17-2020, 08:02 PM
His travels took him further along the river, the youth keeping close to it as it was one of the few sources of water that he knew would always be fresh and free from the majority of the debris from the volcano. He lazed nearby, one paw in the water as he soaked up the noonday sun. Likewise, his feline companion was curled up on a large rock nearby, the lynx seemingly doing as most cats did. Drake was always amused by his companion's habits, but he didn't feel like watching him nap. No. That was the least entertaining thing he did. Instead, he turned his gaze to the water and lightly tapped it's surface, nails dragging along the top as the current went by at a steady pace. The sounds here soothed him, let him know everything was right with the world again. Or so he assumed by this point. Flashes of silver could be seen in the water, and his interest was slightly piqued, though not quite enough. It wasn't until he spotted one jump towards the surface that his head rose and his ears perked with interest as he watched. Bugs danced on the surface, skittering across the water only to disappear in a flash as the fish took them under. "Hmmm..." He wondered if he might be able to catch a few here for lunch.

With that idea in mind, he stood and quietly made his way a couple of yards over to a more steadier part of the river, where small bugs were drifting lazily on its surface. He kept an eye on the fish he had been watching earlier, though he kept his body pressed low to the ground so they wouldn't see him so much. Now he'd wait until they got closer...

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!