
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-23-2013, 02:43 PM

He waited patiently, icy gaze intent on her figure as she slowly dragged the giant piece of rubbish towards their current shelter, stopping just sort of it, panting with the exertion as she began to explain, meanwhile still trying to drag the rubbish into place. I think, I want to be a warrior, or somebody who helps make important decisions for their pack. I guess I Want to be kind of important and known, but not just for that, I want to make a difference I guess. He was pleasantly surprised by her answer. The warrior part he somewhat expected. Most young wolves aspired to be warriors, but as they got older their aspirations changed or they discovered something else that they were better at. But Seraphine wanted to help make a difference within a pack, to help lead it, to be known not as just a member of a pack, but as a wolf who helped to make a difference. That was beyond admirable.

Is it silly to have such hopes already? She peered at him from under the added part of their shelter, her voice soft. Silly? That was ridiculous. Seraphine, having aspirations like those are quite admirable. I haven't heard many wolves who want to make a difference, you're one of the first. And even though we barely met, I can already see you becoming someone great if you put your mind too it and never give up. He nodded in agreement with his words, confident in the observations that he had made about the young woman.

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