
HEY. Hey you. Yeah, you.




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
02-18-2020, 01:32 PM
Trust wasn't something that Eyrun found herself easily giving, either. But company? That was something she could entertain, depending on her mood, and today she was feeling remarkably light. Upon further inspection she eventually found the source of the curious scent - a female who looked.. well.. strikingly similar to herself. They were very nearly the same size, their coat hues likely indistinguishable if they weren't near one another, though her markings were different enough that she didn't think she was about to face off with her doppelganger.

The stranger was going after a fish when she finally got a better look at her, diving straight into the shallows and then reeling back without anything to show for her efforts. Eyrun quirked a brow, studying her for a moment before Thistle turned to acknowledge her. Stealing her fish wasn't a scenario that played through her mind - certainly not because she wasn't used to stealing and thieving when it suited her. She was no rogue and Hjarrandi had been successful enough lately that fighting tooth and nail for food seemed beneath her. Wasting precious energy on scraps of grimy fish? No thank you. She had better ideas on how to expend her energy.

"Perhaps," Eyrun called out, not answering Thistle's question at all, not caring to. Providing proper answers wasn't exactly something she cared for doing. "Why, do you have something you think I'd like to eat?" Fish. Obviously she meant fish. But Eyrun let herself chuckle freely as if her question was deeply hilarious, slowly striding over to the lakeside to join Thistle, maintaining enough distance that the stranger likely wouldn't feel threatened. Her question was clearly not as pointed as Thistle's had been and she was amused at just what the other female might think of it... let alone how she'd answer her.