
You said you don't want me anymore


08-23-2013, 03:59 PM

Her thoughts rambled on and on, quickly becoming a jumbled mess. There would be no sorting them out anytime soon. With one last glance at the sea, the woman pushed herself to her paws, stilts unfolding from beneath her. Turning to leave, emerald gaze swept across the obsidian land scape, it was such a peculiar look for a beach. It seemed out of place.

Pivoting, her exit was stopped by another wolf. Surprise light up her eyes, she had heard him approach. The dark brute had stopped a respectable distance from her, awaiting to see how she would react to him. "Uh, hi." It took her a moment to recover her composure, collecting her thoughts enough to form words, but they didn't come out quite as planned.

The first thing that was noticed was his immense size. He towered over, easily doubled her weight. He was a warrior no doubt, build for strength, to protect. Audits slowly stood at attention atop her crown, meeting his vibrant gaze. Icy eyes stood out against his dark pelt that was accented by lighter and darker tones. He had to be around the same age as her, if not a little older.

Ringed tail swayed at her feet, kissing her hocks with each gentle breeze. The wind blew his scent far from her, leaving her clueless as to whether or not he belonged to a pack or a rogue. He was the first wolf she had run into in her travels. She couldn't complain, he was certainly good looking. But she couldn't bring herself to focus on that, inner demons had consumed to much of her.

She forced a gentle smile, trying to appear open and friendly. It would be rude to chase someone who could possibly be of help to her. She did still have manners after all. Remaining standing, she thought about introducing herself, perhaps start a conversation, but she didn't feel like starting a conversation, she didn't feel like doing anything. "I'm Maia." Her name rolled of her tongue with gentle ease, yet without her consent.
