
These broken wings

Open to zeerius pups



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-20-2020, 02:43 AM
Mortis was beginning to feel an isolation from his family, a sense of difference, and the pain it caused him. How could he run and play with his siblings now? How could he look at Asla and explain the hurt inside of him. 'Oh, hey sis. Azure tried to kill me, but it's okay, because I see you can still make him laugh, and he wants to be with you and play with you. Oh, hi Indy, I'm scared of our brother, but you have only seen the side of him gentle enough to help you pick flowers for our mumma'
They loved each other, because there was something about them that was the same. Mort was different, there was something broken inside of him. He was certain that Azure had seen it first, before his other siblings. that was why he had tried to kill him, before he could ruin their family with that wrongness.

It started with the bird, the one he had killed, and hated himself for killing. Jt was the wings, that marked him as so very different from his siblings. It was the way he was frightened by everything so easily. Frightened of water because it had tried to eat Asla. Frightened of heights because he had almost died falling from them. Frightened of new things, big things, different things.

Mortis was broken, and his existance was going to break the very family he loved so much. What if Azure was right? What if he should have died, on that cliff.