
The other night I had a dream


08-23-2013, 04:35 PM

Customs, were rather a lack of word when it came to him. Oddity had been the secluded child. He wasn't aloud outside of his fathers sight when he was younger. there was no moment where he was not training with his father. Every day, it was train train train. Not to protect others, but to protect himself and to kill those who were a threat to his survival. So maybe this journey was something Oddity was doing to save his mental state. Apart from his personality disorder in which it would never go away. Hunting was a good way to keep the urge off of his mind. As such he had a snow rabbit in his jaws. His eyes focused on the small pass he had entered through. Luckily summer had made it so it was not common for it to get blocked. Though rock slides still could happen. Oddity was a silent man anyway no howling for him while he was here.
Finding a nice spot to eat his rabbit he stopped and began to dig into the flesh of it. Warm and nice feeling to his throat, this had to be the best meal he had eaten in a while. Not counting fish which were his favorite food after all and he enjoyed fishing. The rabbit was still good meat though, he wasn't going to take it for granted. After he finished his meal he started to lick at his paws to get the blood off of it. Though it would still stain over his muzzle. Which he didn't mind, it wasn't the first time it had happened. It wasn't just rabbits blood though, he had his fair share of wolf kills. He wasn't perfect, but maybe just the evil part of him was hiding itself half the time he was living.
