
Under the Cypress Trees



7 Years
08-23-2013, 05:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It seemed obvious to her that the cat had not in the least expected her reaction as he drew back from her bared teeth and growl, as pitiful as they were in comparison to the might he possessed. It was all for show, just a last ditch effort in keeping her personal space hers though she knew nothing was hers anymore. The second he had joined her presence, she had lost all authority, all power, and everything that had once been hers was now his. It was futile, what she did, and a little voice in the back of her mind warned that it was surely going to be mistake number two. But she was desperate. She had had to at least try and see what would happen.

Of course, his reaction was less than ideal. Fangs bared and jaws opening with a feral display, he roared loudly at her, the sound loud enough to cause her ears to pin against her head and for her body, still too close to the angry creature's for comfort, to flinch in an almost violent manner, shrinking a little in place as the last little bit of defiance she had slipped away. This was not her. Tahlia was greater than this. She did not cower, she did not submit, she did not allow another to dictate what she did. And particularly not a cat.

But to defy the cat was death. To resist was to make herself a victim to even worse than if she merely allowed him to do whatever it was that he intended in stopping her, whatever it was to make the unsettling look in his eyes vanish. She bit her tongue to keep herself from retorting to his taunt, closing her eyes as she continued to sit, half hunched over and with her ears still pinned, trying to imagine that there was no huge jaguar standing at her side, that he did not want to rub his muzzle against her shoulder. But she dared not risk thinking that she had anymore control in the situation than she did, fearful that even a flinch or another growl would lead to her death. She was completely at the mercy of the cat.

Opening her eyes with a shaken effort, Tahlia forced herself to meet his pale eyes, keeping him in her sights and trying visibly to keep herself as still and unresponsive to him as she could.