
stronger than yesterday



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (175)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

7 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1KIce Bridge ExplorerChristmas 2019Treat 2019
02-25-2020, 01:03 AM
It seemed that for a long moment, the boy would stare at him. He said nothing, only nodding to Gimli's question. The dwarf boy was slightly confused...did the purple brute talk? Could he? Was he shy maybe? While Gimli himself wasn't really the shy type, he could understand if the younger boy was. They were strangers to each other, after all, and besides...he was used to being around not so friendly folk. The other puppies ignored him unless it was for training or something, but at that point they were kinda forced to interact with him. Whatever the case was with this boy, at least they could get some practice in together. At least he got an enthusiastic nod and a warning by way of the boys stance before he was charged at.

Gimlie grinned as he flexed his own paws into the dirt, aiming to get some traction before he kicked off the ground. As the pair sought each other, Gimli's eyes darted beneath the larger boy. Like in previous fights, the other youth decided to try and wrap him up in a hug, and Gimli of course, was always ready for that. this instance, he was forced to move faster than anticipated. As Indy aimed to wrap him in a hug, he saw those claws come out and he was thrown off for a second. Eyes went wide when he saw them, and out of reflex, he ducked his head away and nearly tripped over his own feet trying to dodge out of the way. He stumbled, and couldn't catch himself in time as his momentum had taken him to the ground along with the way he moved. Normally, he aimed to slide beneath his opponents when they were larger, but this time, he was on Indy's right side and not underneath him. At least those devil claws missed as did those big teeth!

In a matter of seconds, he figured he'd need to improvise. Reaching out with his forepaws, he sought to hook Indy's hind leg in like a child grabbing onto his parents leg in an effort to trip him up, too. Not only that, but he sought to use that to pull himself closer and reached with his teeth to bite at the boys abdomen. Not too hard, of course, but enough to hopefully cause some discomfort and further trip up the larger brute.

Gimli Ahlberg-Klein vs Indigo for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: under 1yr
Size: Small
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Norwegian forest cat, Male - Battle - Boosted
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Navigator
Specialty: N/A