
thought i could fly, so i stepped off the golden


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
02-28-2020, 01:09 PM

”Why?” The singular word made the obsidian female jump as if she had been shocked, her head snapping toward the stranger and pale eyes landing on the tan wolf that seemed to be watching her closely. Tamsyn’s initial reaction was to stiffen defensively with her scruff prickling uneasily. The edge of the cliff was just inches away behind her and the air constricted in her lungs when she realized the woman was slowly drawing closer and there was really no escape with the tree line blocked off from her. With her mind racing, Tamsyn looked over the stranger again, noting her interesting coloring and what seemed like horns of some kind atop her skull. She was similar in height and build, but there was no way to know what kind of skills she had to prove if an attempt at running would really do her any good.

That was when her mint eyes connected with the approaching stranger’s once again. There was none of the malice or anger that she had grown accustomed to seeing in others faces when they looked at her, nor any disappointment or disgust... Just... Concern? Confusion? Tamsyn couldn’t quite make out the emotion that was written on the tan female’s face. It was enough to make Tam pause and register what was being asked of her. Why. She glanced over her shoulder at the empty space and glittering water that promised nearly certain death if someone were to fall into the darkness behind her and the pieces fit together in her mind. Why had she been so close to tipping herself over that edge into the sweet promise of oblivion?

Her shoulders relaxed slightly, but her expression was still wary when she looked back at the stranger again. Part of her didn’t even want to respond. She didn’t owe this woman anything and certainly didn’t need to explain herself to her. But something about how this wolf had approached her had caught her so off guard that she started to speak without really thinking though her words. ”Because it would be easier than facing my past and my memories. It would be easier than continue to not be able to sleep with the constant nightmares.” she finally responded with a quiet voice after what felt like a very heavy pause. It had been so long since she had spoken with anyone that the words felt strange in her mouth and her voice sounded foreign in her own ears. Her brows pulled together with confusion as she added, ”Why do you care?”