
thought i could fly, so i stepped off the golden


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
02-28-2020, 09:02 PM

It was a strange relief to hear that her son was getting help in one way or another. This state she lived in wasn’t one that she’d wish on anyone, especially not a child. When did she start thinking this way? She couldn’t remember. It did make her wonder what made this boy feel the way he did. For her it felt like a direct cause of the abuse and stifling she had endured for so long, but maybe it was more than that. What if she had grown up in a normal, supportive environment? What if she had spent her early years not fearing her own nature and desires? Would she still wonder what it would be like to simply end her life? These were questions she would never have the answer to, but she wondered about them frequently. ”Good... Good, I’m glad.” she replied with a small nod, her eyes slipping away again and glancing at the ground. ”I hope so too. At least he has help, that’s important. It’s... lonely, living this way.” It was something that she had never acknowledged out loud, but it felt true as she said it.

Zee’s offer was unexpected and something that Tamsyn did not really know how to respond to. It was so unusually generous for a stranger to offer such a thing, but it also seemed like Tam couldn’t refuse. She had no qualms with turning down the meal or the temporary place to rest. Those were things that she was capable of finding on her own and she felt no need to look to others for those things. What made her hesitate was the knowledge that Zee may continue to worry about her and whether she had harmed herself in her absence once they parted ways. As distrustful as she was of other wolves, the idea of knowingly causing any sort of discomfort or concern felt wrong. On top of that, she felt oddly invested in her son’s well being now and knowing that she may help this woman understand what he’s going though felt like more of an obligation than an option.

She silently debated the offer for a moment longer, looking at Zee’s face curiously. ”You’re very... mothering,” she mentioned factually, hoping that was the right word for how her interactions felt. ”I’ll go with you... Just for a meal and to talk,” she added, quick to clarify the boundaries of her visit. She could guess from the woman’s scent that she lived in a group or pack of some kind and that was enough to make Tamsyn wary of the whole situation. The pack of sorts that her parents had been a part of had been much of the cause for their treatment of her so groups of wolves like that made her nervous. ”I hope my story isn’t very applicable to your son’s situation, but... if it even helps a little bit then it’ll be worth telling I suppose. Go ahead and lead the way.”