
you should be sad

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
02-28-2020, 10:34 PM
Now that she'd begun to voice her responses to Theory's problematic situation, it was hard to push down that slowly rising feeling of worry. Given what she'd described, the raid sounded fairly innocuous - at least in the sense of physical danger that might be present - but it was hard to be sure, especially when it came to things like... that. Inter-pack politics were complicated and it was hard to take a messenger's word at face value, given what Theory had told her. But she wouldn't let those thoughts linger for long, especially since Theory didn't seem to want to linger on those thoughts for much longer either, instead shifting the focus to herself. Though somewhat uncomfortable in general with talking about herself, it seemed a touch easier when it came to Theory... though she wasn't quite sure just how much was safe to divulge.

'Closer might be nice,' she responded, cautiously enough to warrant a slight raise of her brows. Might be nice? That wasn't exactly the reaction she'd been hoping for. Despite the fact that her entire reason for visiting these lands had been framed as a discovery mission, the real reason she'd headed toward these parts was to run into Theory again.. and now she was saying that her being closer might be nice? A slight hint of agitation tugged at the back of her mind but she forced it from appearing on her features, as best as she could, though some of the sharpness was still audible in her voice. "Our leadership has changed too. Just to the former leader's brother, Eligos." All information that couldn't be used against them. If someone came to their borders looking for the ruler, Eligos would appear, no doubt eager to give his name and title - so surely she could do the same.

"We just spent a lot of time... doing nothing, I guess, after the eruption." Some had been entirely absent; others had been present, merely moping around doing nothing. Even more, like herself, hadn't been quite sure what to do without any real direction, but the time for inaction was behind them now. "We're just working on getting... motivated again." How else could she say it? Thalia wasn't sure. Watching Theory slide down onto the ground, she tentatively joined her... at least halfway, lowering herself to her haunches a step closer toward Theory.