
bittersweet symphony



Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
02-29-2020, 08:28 AM
Like her brothers, Torrent remained silent as Rhythm conversed with the wolf who'd appeared - who introduced herself as Theory, the alpha, and therefore Torrent's... niece? Yes, that was right. Niece. The conversation was brief before Theory agreed for Rhythm to stay, and one would think that was it, ok they were done and they should go home, but then Theory called out for someone else and no one seemed quite ready to move so Torrent stayed quiet.

Her gaze sharpened with interest when the call produced an older wolf, around the age of her older brothers, the tell-tale marks of the Imperialis bloodline clear beneath markings almost identical to those Rhythm bore. This, then, was her infamous disgraced brother Rhyme.

Who then proceeded to ignore both his mother and their shared father completely.

Torrent's first instinct was to slam into the old man, put him down in the dirt and force him to apologize for disrespecting the wolves who had raised them both. As it is she leaned forward with her hackles bristling, a low growl vibrating her chest before she forced herself into stillness. "You don't need to stay here," she rumbled to Rhythm in a low voice that would nonetheless undoubtedly carry the short distance if someone chose to listen. "You can come home. Wolves treat you right, there. Our wolves respect you." Her chimeric eyes were narrowed, focused hotly on the form of her older brother.

Her gaze flicked only for a moment to the newest arrival, who while lighter colored than Rhyme and Theory, clearly bore the same markings that showed her lineage as clearly as Torrent's own did. Poem, Rhythm had called her. She, like Theory had been at first, seemed friendly and welcoming, so Torrent dismissed her as a likely threat, instead remaining focused on the clearer threat - Rhyme. She didn't care one bit that they were on Abaven's home turf, that they could call in an unknown number of reinforcements in moments. If she felt for an instant she needed to protect Rhythm she wouldn't hesitate to throw herself in.