
HEY. Hey you. Yeah, you.




2 Years
02-29-2020, 09:18 AM

The stranger didn't advance or retreat at first, and wasn't showing any outward sign of aggression. As far as Thistle was concerned, this was a great start. She did, however, seem to eye her hard-won prize with a bit of disdain. Thistle couldn't necessarily blame her because if she had her druthers fish wouldn't be on the menu for her either, but dammit she was starving and exhausted and damp, and she was not about to be thought less of for eating what was available after several days without. "Perhaps," the woman's voice travelled to her. "Why, do you have something you think I'd like to eat?"

Thistle used half of all the energy left in her body to restrain a scoff, or maybe a snort, perhaps a growl? She couldn't be sure, but whatever her noise of complaint might have been she did not let it loose. "Well," she began, saccharine and overly polite, "As you can see, all I've got here is this fish. I've not had a meal in a few days, you see, so I am quite hungry." She waggled a paw at the sandy, slimy excuse for fresh flesh. "Trying times, desperate measures and all that. If it doesn't suit your palate, more for me I suppose." Gods knew she needed all the calories she could get. Gods knew that every mouthful this ungrateful... ungrateful skank gobbled down her ungrateful gullet was a mouthful Thistle could have put to better use. Gods knew that being kind and generous was tough for Thistle sometimes, but she was working on it, and wolves like her didn't necessarily help!

For all that she was fuming inside Thistle schooled herself into a blasé expression, picked the damned, blasted, grimy, gritty, pathetic excuse for a meal back into her jaws as the woman drew closer and carried it back to the lakeside to swish it about in the water and knock off what sand that she could. When it was satisfyingly clean she sought out a nice, flat rock to enjoy her meal upon. Thistle ripped into the fish's flank and tore back a strip of skin and scales to reveal the flesh below. Oh yes. She would make a meal of this. The best meal she would ever have, she decided. After all, spite was a wondrous additive to any meal and she would enjoy this bastard bass even if she choked on one of those infuriatingly tiny bones and it killed her.

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