
i'm still healing these wounds


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
02-29-2020, 11:06 AM

The distance she had traveled this day was far under what she had really anticipated. It seemed like every interaction she had stumbled into since she came to these lands had been a thought provoking and mind dealing one and it was more than enough to wear on someone who’s mind was already so worn. The ebony woman was wandering slowly and aimlessly as her thoughts reeled and she finally made herself attempt to process it all. When she left her former home she had only been thinking of her physical well being and preservation - she hadn’t realized that her mental state would be the thing standing in her way from moving on.

She came to a stop when she reached a small stream that meandered though what was an otherwise wide open field of greenery. The sun had begun to set several hours ago and now only painted the sky with a deep red and violet as the moon took over the sky. The various colors of light reflected in the water and for a moment she stood there appreciating the patterns and hues on the gently moving water. In a way it was a nice reprieve from the otherwise constant bombardment she received from her thoughts. Tamsyn settled on her haunches on the bank of the stream, catching her own reflection in the water so that her own mint gaze was staring back at her. The deep scar that marked her cheek drew her attention and her ears settled back onto her skull with a soft sigh. It seemed like there was just always something to remind her, something to ruin her peace.