Did You Just Drink That? That's Nitroglycerin!
She couldn’t help but smile a little at the lynx’s grin when her invitation was accepted. ”Nice to meet you. I’m Tamsyn.” She let the cat lead the way down the opposite side of the cliff, whole heartedly agreeing with the opinion that getting down into the forest was worse than getting up the first side of this climb. ”Getting out of here is going to be interesting,” Tam muttered, already imagining having to climb up this seep cliff side and then back down the one they had climbed before. Her paws slipped a few more times than Natha’s nimble movements, but she luckily got to the bottom safely at the end of it all.
Tamsyn gave herself a shake and then looked out into the forest ahead of them. She hummed thoughtfully to her companion’s question and nodded as she began to walk into the trees. The bird song was lovely and the sun beaming down into the surprisingly vibrant landscape made it feel more like a rainforest than an island somewhere in the north. Her head tipped up as she scanned the sky line though the trees, her eyes following the ridge of rock that surrounded them. ”The only thing I can think of that would make a round, empty rock formation like this is a volcano, but... how would a forest be in a volcano?”