
Fightin' Dirty




6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
02-29-2020, 02:39 PM
At no point in the conversation had it occurred to Jupiter to get the kid's name. He just...didn't care enough to ask? That sounded harsher than how he felt. It simply hadn't mattered enough in the conversation to 1) think about asking and 2) interrupt the flow. But now that the topic had been raised he was curious. Jupiter was fully expecting the kid to have some kind of pastel pink, pretty pretty princess kind of name. "Name's Jupiter. And lemme guess you're uh...Princess Lily Shimmer Sparkles or something like that, huh?" As for the Serious joke... He had been semi serious, but he waved a capitulating paw at her anyway. "You're right, you're right. My bad."

Jupiter made a face at Pestilence. "Okay first of all, you don't stand a chance. With my foot I could drive you into the ground like a nail. Secondly, your midgetiness is temporary and you are entirely undeserving of sympathy you little orphan mocking monster. Thirdly, don't change the subject. I'm giving you tips for handling other vertically challenged individuals, not goliaths or grown ups or any other group that will gobble you up in a heartbeat. I'd hate to find out later you got yourself eaten by a bear. Big fucking waste of my time that would be."

"So. Fighting similarly sized midgets. I'm sure your teacher has taught you how to sweep legs and all that, right? So say you do that and you manage to get your opponent on the ground. If you have a heart you might be tempted to give 'em a break and let 'em get up again, right? Don't do that shit. They're on the ground for a reason so keep them down and keep attacking until they squeal. Go low if you have to. Stomp 'em in the stomach or the dick if they have one. Bite them feet if they stick 'em in your face."
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.