
Sand Between My Toes


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
02-29-2020, 07:52 PM

It was getting pretty late in the day by the time they found the obsidian beach, but she was almost glad that they had arrived when they did. The sunset looked even more dazzling against the unusually dark sand. She smiled gently at the feeling of the sand moving between her toes and sure enough, her paws seemed to disappear and melt into it. She nodded in agreement when Natha commented on how Boreas had lots of interesting places, the feline echoing her own thoughts. She settled down onto her haunches in the sand to enjoy the sunset and watch as the stars began so slowly come into view.

Her ears flicked a bit when Natha asked what brought her to Boreas and she didn’t respond right away. Today had been such a nice reprieve from the constant depression she had been dealing with as of late and she rather just keep her mind in the moment rather than bring up her past, but there really wasn’t a good answer to that question without at least touching on it lightly. ”Um... To make a very long, sad story short... My family disowned me and sent me away so I needed to find a new home.” It was a very vague rendition of what had happened, but it was hopefully enough to paint a bit of the picture. Not that she necessarily felt like she needed to explain herself to Natha, but it seemed like they had become some sort of close acquaintance in this whole process of exploring so she felt comfortable saying that much.

She was quiet for a moment longer, listening to the mix of the waves crashing against the shore and the rustle of the palm leaves near by. She looked down at her paws and watched as she shuffled her feet further into the sand, making it look like her legs and formed into the sand with her coat’s matching coloring. “How did you come to live here? Do a lot of felines live around here?” she asked, glancing toward Natha before looking back up at the sky again.