
Tempo Delle Nuvole


08-23-2013, 08:49 PM

It didn't rather surprise the lady when the male showed up, it was rather.. abrupt though. She had just sat down at least a couple moments ago. Finishing the last of her alabaster meal, the woman raised herself, revealing a very attractive figurine. Pale tongue glided to meet her own bloodied aperture, cleaning off excess of any meal that happened to find its self against it. Lullaby delicately found its way towards the white wonderland, though it had been aiming towards the obsidian male. "I have indeed come from a different land, and you are reluctantly the first wolf I've encountered." She spoke in calm words before scanning over his figurine with beautiful blue eyes. He was a couple inches shorter than she, but everyone was mostly. There weren't many with her capable size, a rare artifact was she. The obsidian male's eyes matched her own, but only one, though the other one was a rather light shade of grey.

Large bodice turned to face the bulky brute respectfully in sync to his stature. Though when he spoke his name, she couldn't help to find it... odd. Chuckling at her own joke, she cut it off to speak her own name. "Name's Macaria. I have to say though, you are rather well fit, may I ask if you have a pack?" She spoke with soft words, though, of course that could change any moment.

table by melanie