
New home... again


08-23-2013, 10:16 PM

jealousy, turning saints into the sea; swimming through sick lullabies

Claire listened to the little pup, and found her heart going out to the youngster in that moment. Moving twice might not seem like much to some wolves, but Claire understood what it was like to leave a home behind and find another land, one that would never replace the lands that she had come to love. She had left her home after her parents had been brutally slaughtered to seek out the wolf who had fathered her, and had spent years searching for him. So Claire thought that she understood, at least a little, what this pup was going through. "I've moved around a lot in my life, so I know what it's like to leave your home behind." Claire murmured, almost moving to nuzzle the pup but catching herself just before she did so. As sweet as she was, she was not Claire's daughter. As much as Claire wanted pups, this was not her pup. "I'm sorry to hear that you lost your mother..." Claire trailed off, thinking of her own mother, pinning her ears back for a moment.

And it seemed there was more sadness to this youngster's life. "My parents died when I was younger," Claire muttered, half to herself, "After that, my brothers and I wandered for a very long time before we found our way to Valhalla. Maybe you'll find happiness here, just like we did." Was she happy here? In all honesty, Claire wasn't sure. The weight of her years pressed down on her sometimes, and when she looked at her father, she realized how young he had been when he had his first and only litter compared to her current age, and she realized that pups weren't happening any time soon. But that shouldn't define her happiness. She was content. There. That fit her.

Ears twitching, Claire warded off those thoughts swiftly, "That's very noble of you, Miss Seraphine." Claire nodded, smiling at the young pup as she spoke.
