
stronger than yesterday



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (175)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

7 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1KIce Bridge ExplorerChristmas 2019Treat 2019
03-02-2020, 11:26 AM
He had managed to grab onto the other boy's leg and was now seemingly hanging on for dear life. Okay, maybe not for dear life but to keep his hold and restrict the other boys movement as much as possible. After all, it was slow going when you had a weight shackled to your leg, right? Teeth found purchase on the purple boy's stomach, though Gimli didn't keep his hold there for very long. Very quickly, he heard a yelp and Indy was turning in towards him. Gimli promptly released the hold he had with his teeth and sharply turned his head away before he got it pinned or something. As Indy sought to bring his weight down on him, Gimli would keep the hold he had on Indy's hind leg, but twist the lower half of body around so that his hind legs were facing towards Indy's body as much as he could. He aimed to try and stop Indy from crushing him by kicking his legs repeatedly like a cat pummeling another in the hopes it'd deter the purple kid or make him rethink what he was trying to do.  It was only thanks to his oversize cat companion that he even knew to do this....the only difference was, he wished he was as flexible as his companion because man, that feline could put itself into all sorts of positions and not feel a thing! Was he straining his body in this position? Yes. Did this feel awkward as hell? Also yes. But the smaller wolf had to constantly improvise when all he fought was larger opponents. And even though this boy was younger than him, Gimli knew Indy would be a lot bigger than he would ever. Still, he was younger. He was a pup. He looked nervous before their spar. So while the dwarf boy had never pulled any punches before, he sort of did this time. He didn't try to bite as hard as he normally would have, but just enough to make it irritating at least.

Gimli Ahlberg-Klein vs Indigo for spar
Round 2/2
Age: under 1yr
Size: Small
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Norwegian forest cat, Male - Battle - Boosted
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Navigator
Specialty: N/A