
Desicions, Desicions


08-23-2013, 10:36 PM

we're burning down the highway skyline on the back of a hurricane

Exploring by herself had never been Claire's favorite thing, but the summer day had been impossible to pass up. It was just so pretty out that Claire had begun to wander without paying much attention to borders. When she had picked up a scent trail of a pup, Claire had adjusted her path without really noticing it, padding along quietly, ears swivelling to pick up every noise that she could. And as she walked, she basked in the silence, enjoying the peace that had stolen over these lands.

It was only when she heard the voices of other animals that Claire began to truly pay attention. She had listened, but she hadn't really been hearing things, not until the voices hit her ears and then, Claire perked up, adjusting her path to approach. She had almost certainly heard the high pitched voice of a pup; those were pretty hard to miss. And so Claire was curious about what pups were doing out here, in the middle of the wilderness.

The scene that she discovered was stranger than anything Claire might have expected; two pups and . . . a cat? How odd. "Hello, everyone." Claire spoke brightly, masking her confusion with a flick of her tail, "What brings the three of you out here?" Why were there two young wolves in the company of this . . . creature? At least one of them seemed to smell of Valhalla, though Claire hadn't seen the wolf around before then, and he seemed to be ready to protect the smaller wolf. What was going on here? Claire didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but this looked a little . . . odd. To say the least.
