
thought i could fly, so i stepped off the golden


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-02-2020, 10:26 PM

Once Zee confirmed that her request for this visit to only be for the meal and rest and that she’d be allowed to leave whenever she’d like Tamsyn was able to relax a bit more. She began the walk back to the tan woman’s home, walking just slightly behind Zee’s shoulder as she followed along. She took note of the foliage as they passed though it since she had been so caught up in her own mind when she first got here that she hadn’t been able to really notice it. It was too dark for her to try and identify what types of plants and things could survive near windy cliffs like this one, but she was sure she could come back and explore more throughly at some point... Perhaps giving the cliff’s edge a wide birth next time however.

She kept her attention on Zee as she responded, describing her son’s thoughts and reactions to her catching him in his attempt to jump from a cliff similar to this one. As she listened she felt an unexpected lump form in her throat. She tried not to think about her early childhood too often and tended to only dwell on the memories that were the freshest, but hearing Zee say that he had felt bad and wrong without knowing how to fix it... It echoed with something deep in her memories and it pulled a frown onto her face.

”Sounds familiar,” she responded quietly, turning her eyes away from Zee and trying to focus her gaze on the landscape they were passing instead. She was quiet for a while as they continued to walk, not sure what to say without launching into the whole sorted tale, but she settled on adding, ”I do think it gets better... once you kind of know what to expect. Like you said, he’s too little to understand his own thoughts. Once he’s old enough to understand what’s wrong, it gets better. I know I’m probably not a good example of that given how you just found me, but... That sort of thing doesn’t happen very often any more. This was just a... particularly bad night.” Tam decided to just leave it at that for now, letting a comfortable silence fall between them. She used the rest of their walk to gather her thoughts and try to figure out what she could tell Zee that could maybe help her understand what was in her own head so she could help her son.