
its not too late to pick up the pieces


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-03-2020, 01:12 PM

When her travels began though the eastern portion of Boreas, she had seen the volcano in the distance and had noticed how little activity there was near it’s base. Even if wolves didn’t climb it that often, she had expected to see more wolves or at least smell their scents in the lands near it. It almost seemed like everyone was avoiding this area and it had made her want to do the same. Today though, the curiosity was getting the best of her. The closer she got to the volcano she more she noticed the heavy layer of ash that seemed to cover everything and that was when she began to realize that the growth and vegetation had at one point started much closer to the base of the mountain than it currently did. There were a few stubborn shrubs that were starting to creep closer, but for the most part this area seemed devoid of life.

With a cautious edge to her steps, Tamsyn started a slow climb along the side of the volcano. Her ears were perked forward while her mint eyes were taking in the fairly empty landscape. All the signs pointed to the fact that this volcano must have erupted in recent history, but since she was so new to these lands she really had no idea how recently that was. It put her a little on edge since she wasn’t sure just how calm the volcano was at this moment. Once she got a fair distance up the side of the mountain she turned so she could look back down the way she came. From this vantage point she could see the start of how far this eruption must have effected these lands. It made her wonder what areas she had been though recently that were actually still effected by it that she just had no frame of reference to know it.

She let a soft whistle of a breath out though her teeth with a slight shake of her head. It was moments like this that helped her gain some perspective and realize just how small the scope of her issues were. Her entire world felt like it was in turmoil at times, but in reality it was only a small drop compared to the devastation this must have caused. Tam looked away from the view to refocus her attention on the volcano itself to keep her mind from wandering into an existential crisis that she wouldn’t be able to find her way out of. It was then that she caught another wolf’s scent on the breeze and she turned her head toward it curiously. Someone else clearly had the same curiosity she did. She wouldn’t normally go looking for company, but her curiosity over what had happened here pushed her forward. It only took a few minutes of looking to spot the large gray male, catching a glimpse of the interesting deep red markings that accented his face. Tamsyn took a breath to steady her nerves before putting a gentle smile on her muzzle and altering her path to head towards him, being sure to approach in a way that he would see her coming rather than accidentally sneaking up behind him. ”Hello,” she said in greeting, being sure to give a chipper, friendly inflection to her tone. ”Sorry to bother you... I’m brand new to Boreas so this is my first time seeing this volcano. Do you mind if a bug you for a moment to ask some questions about it?”