
its not too late to pick up the pieces



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
03-04-2020, 09:32 PM
This volcano was an uncertain death trap, Kai knew as much... but at the same time, he really didn't care. It'd be just his luck if the damn thing decided to erupt just as he reached its base, and though he certainly wanted to live to see tomorrow, if he didn't? Well, he wasn't about to dwell on that possibility now. If he had any intent to turn back he would've done it by now. No, he only cared about going further, dragging his large paws against the ash-dusted ground as he headed straight for the volcano. Admittedly things weren't as bad as they had been right after the eruption - not that he'd been close when it happened. He'd been all the way north in Winterfell's lands, though he'd scoped this place out a bit since then. Maybe not from so close, but it didn't take a genius to know that things were getting better near these parts... however many seasons it might be taking.

Though he preferred the north, he was fond of these eastern lands as well for his own reasons. The volcano in particular was a place he'd made plenty of fond memories, and he was eager to return and reminisce,  regardless of the danger this place might harbor. He hardly even considered it as he began his trek upward. It wasn't half as fertile here as he remembered it - any sign of foliage seemed reluctant to return, even after Boreas had been given a decent enough summer. It had been cooler than usual. but still the season had been a far cry from the deep, uncharacteristic winter that had gripped these lands for much longer than was typical.

Though he wasn't here specifically to see how the volcano's eruption had shaped the lands, it was impossible to ignore. Even near the volcano's base it was obvious that the eruption had scorched the slopes, from the sparse vegetation - only now were the smallest plants attempting to grow here in the ash and rubble - and as he climbed higher, the ash grew thicker, a reminder of exactly what had happened here. He flicked some off the top of a paw as he continued on, kicking off with his back legs to scramble higher, narrowing avoiding tumbling down the way he'd came as some debris came down with him. A skillful leap, more graceful than one might expect from a wolf his size, was just about the only thing saving him from a certain injury.

He was so focused on his own journey that he barely noticed the approach of another before she was too close to avoid at all. He turned quickly at first, his nose wrinkling as he regarded the stranger from a distance. A moment longer had him lifting his tusked head a bit higher, straightening his posture as he moved to take one single step closer. "Well, hello there," came his own greeting. He wasn't in the most cheerful mood today - this mountain brought as many foul memories as it good good ones - and his stare was steady and probing as he regarded her. The stranger admitted she was new here, and that she had some questions. Unusual - but far from the strangest thing he'd ever encountered. "What makes you think I know anything about this place?" His tone wasn't sharp, nor overly friendly, instead lingering somewhere much more neutral as he held back and waited for her answer.