
surely not today


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-06-2020, 01:35 PM

Learning how to live around other wolves again was proving more than challenging. It was something she wanted and was beginning to enjoy in some ways, but it was still something she needed to take in small doses for the time being. In general she kept close to her new pack’s lands just to prove, mostly to herself, that she wouldn’t simply disappear. Maybe once some time had past and she had truly settled in she would attempt to go back out on her adventures from time to time, but for now she only ventured as far as the areas surrounding the packs’ borders.

The sun was still fairly high in the sky, but she knew that it would start to dip toward the horizon soon enough. Ever since her encounter with Natha she had been paying much more attention to the skies and stars even though she still didn’t know how to interoperate most of it. She found a place where there was a bit of a clearing between the streams and willow trees and settled down into the soft grass there, resting on her side with her hind legs stretched out comfortably and holding her front half up on her left elbow. For a while she stayed there, watching the clouds drift by over head and trying to identify the different shapes and types of them.

Eventually her gaze drifted away from the sky and she scanned the surrounding area, taking in the swaying branches of the trees that shifted in a almost hypnotic way. The world felt oddly quiet and still, as if it was just waiting for something to happen. Tamsyn’s mint eyes slowly fell down to her forepaws and her gaze landed on the layers of scar tissue that was scattered down the length of her left leg from elbow to ankle. Her eyes traced each mark quietly for a while, noticing how calm she remained. Just seeing her scars was typically enough to trigger something in her, but her peace seemed to be firmly in place this day. Her right paw lifted and rested on the opposite leg, feeling the raised skin there with her paw pads as she slowly ran her paw down the length of her leg, almost as if she was curious about her own skin.