
surely not today


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-06-2020, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2020, 08:27 PM by Tamsyn.)

The dark colored woman was far away despite her thoughts being mostly blank. She had gone from the deepest her depression had been in quite some time to this unusual emptiness and she wasn’t certain which was worse. She was used to the sadness, but now that the sadness had begun to fade away she wasn’t sure what was supposed to take its place. As she stared at her scars she felt no particular emotion and maybe that was a blessing. At least she didn’t feel that sharp, traumatized pain so maybe at least progress was being made.

Being so lost in her own contemplation, Tamsyn had no idea the larger woman had approached her until the snapping of a branch made her ears twitch forward and made her gaze snap up to see the gray and black stranger in front of her. She was frozen in place as she took in the much larger, heavily scarred wolf that was now looming over her. Her mint green gaze connected with the one remaining golden eye as female dipped her head till they were looking eye to eye. She had never felt like a tiny wolf by any means, but she was easily dwarfed in comparison this time. Once she had a moment to process the initial shock and fear that had hit her from the intimidating stranger’s sudden appearance, Tamsyn was able to actually see past just their stark differences in size and taken in the numerous scars that dotted the woman’s face and shoulder. She glanced over them curiously in a similar way that she had been examining her own moments ago before shifting her gaze to take in her striking and simple markings.

The flash of the unexpectedly sharp teeth and the rough, growling voice that the gray female greeted her with made Tamsyn worry that she had some how accidentally trespassed into someone else’s lands. Her ears folded back and she found herself too afraid to move under the stranger’s piercing gold gaze until she realized the scent the woman carried matched that of the pack she had so recently joined. ”I’m... I’m Tamsyn,” she replied after a moment. She slowly shifted her weight as she spoke so that she could get her feet under her and was able to sit up on her haunches so she didn’t feel quite so overtaken in the situation. ”You’re part of this pack, right? I’m new here, I just joined. Well, Zee invited me to anyway - I’m still getting settled in.” She felt the need to quickly explain why she was here before she said anything else just in the hopes of remedying whatever suspicion might still be lingering on her. The last thing she wanted was to mess up her first introduction to someone in the pack other than Zee. Tam suddenly noticed her ears were still folded back and tried to get herself to lift them and offer her new acquaintance a small smile. ”Sorry if we got off on the wrong foot... What’s your name?”