
Aesir's Holmgang

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
03-07-2020, 10:29 AM
Much to her surprise, Aesir was the first to arrive. Valkyrie's eyes followed him as he made his way into the clearing but her expression stayed cool from start to finish. It pleased her to see him if not for their history but for his character. A lesser man would have stayed away. She would have been disappointed in a lesser man. Though his honor was in question Aesir had garnered what he could of Valkyrie's respect. It wasn't much but it was something.

Four of Hjarrandi's esteemed wolves soon filled the clearing. Dagfinn was absent but Valkyrie thought it very likely he was high or drunk off his ass somewhere and thus useless to the proceedings anyway. She looked to each wolf in turn and then addressed the small gathering. "Some of you know this man. He is Aesir Skaldi, childhood friend of mine and comrade, however briefly, to you. But he is no friend of Hjarrandi. He ran from us without a word after pledging his loyalty."

She fixed her attention on Aesir, her gaze white hot and the corners of her mouth curling up in derision. "I have called him here to answer to the charge of desertion! The pledge is a sacred thing, it binds the honor and dignity of a wolf to the brotherhood and makes him part of something greater than himself. He pissed on his pledge. Trampled his own honor." She glanced around at her band mates. "And what are we without our honor? We are nothing. Worms to be trod upon unawares by greater beasts. That is what this man is. A spineless, traitorous coward."

Valkyrie lifted her chin, her expression haughty. "What do you have to say, Hjarrandi, to the man who ran from you in the night? He ran like a man from his mistress' den too ashamed to be caught out in the daylight. He treated you like a whore. How do you respond to this insult?"

OOC: a holmgang is basically a trial to decide whether or not someone is to be stripped of his or her standing as a honorable member of society. The purpose of this exercise is for the accusers to heap a ton of insults onto the accused wolf and see how s/he handles it. If Aesir defends himself well (either verbally or in by initiating fights) then he is forgiven. If he doesn't he is labeled a niĆ°ingr (outlaw, man without honor, etc.) and rejected by Hjarrandi society. For insults, the sky is the limit. The purpose of this is to be as terrible as you can be so go for it. Just keep in mind that Aesir gets to defend himself and that can include fights if Fox wishes.

I'm not sure what the best way to go about this is so unless there's any objections I think I'd like to give the band some time to respond before Aesir does. How does 10 days from now or until every band member replies (whichever happens first) sound? I'm open to suggestions! Since this is also the first holmgang I've ever done, consider it a test of sorts. I can make changes as needed.

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.