
surely not today



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-07-2020, 10:42 PM
The gears were moving in the younger wolf's head. Resin could see that much by the expressions on her face. What she was thinking about, the black and grey fae did not know, nor could she guess. Her name was spoken and Resin replied with a single nod. In her growling tones, the woman replied. "It is good to meet you as well, Tamsyn." Though outwardly she may have seemed unfeeling and expressionless, she couldn't deny that she was slightly intrigued by the woman. There was something that she couldn't quite put her paw on that made her want to stay and possibly hold a conversation. Not that she was very good at it.

Tamsyn had been staring so intensely at her scars that she felt the need to mention it aloud. Ears perked forward as the darker of them spoke of scars and the stories that they told. Indeed... scars were stories written on flesh. Each one an experience lived through. Each a battle won. Resin's body was a novel with many stories etched into her flesh. "I do know and you needn't apologize." The interest that Tamsyn showed in the marred flesh interested Resin as well. Most pretended to ignore scars, they stared of course, but they never asked after them or spoke of them.

The smaller woman seemed to still be thinking on the matter, for she opened her mouth and closed it again. An obsidian brow arched as the dame gave her skull a slight tilt in question. Tamsyn seemed to feel slightly embarrassed about the comment or question that she hadn't made. It was... comical. It was also mildly endearing. Though Resin didn't smile, for she rarely did, she felt a smile inside. "You may speak freely. I won't get offended." She found herself wanting the woman to speak her mind and was quite interested in what she had to say.

Resin wondered if speaking of her scars might lighten Tamsyn's inhibitions. Which bit of damaged flesh should she speak of first? The most noticeable was her eye, but that was too easy to choose. Instead, she motioned to the large slash marks across her left shoulder and chest. "I received these defending my family from a bear. The bear lost." Perhaps they could make a game of it. A look of amusement crossed the behemoth's marred features. "Your turn."
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]