
ready to be hurt again


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-08-2020, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2020, 02:29 PM by Tamsyn.)

Luckily it seemed like stranger was amicable and Tamsyn certainly appreciated her willingness to focus on the unusual lands around them as well. That was at least something that she had learned was a safe distraction for her and never minded having someone else to explore with. ”Nothing just yet that’s not a more obvious feature. I just got here though so there’s still plenty of chances to find something!” she replied with a small smile. ”I was just wondering how all these boulders and rocks got to be like this. It would be one thing if they were closer together like a ruins of some kind, but they’re far too spread out and irregular for that.” She let her gaze wander over the landscape again as she mused aloud.

”Lets see what we can find, hm?” she asked before resuming her walk though the rock riddled area, keeping her eyes peeled for any distinguishing features of the landscape. The sound of flowing water caught her attention and she let her path drift toward it, the river quickly coming into view. She followed the bank of the river with her eyes till her gaze landed on the area where the river emptied out into the sea. All of the rocks around them seemed to lead to this point and as she got closer she noticed that it formed a very rocky beach of sorts.

”Do you think maybe this was all under water at some point?” she wondered, pausing to look back at Theory with a slight tilt to her head. She was still learning about the effects of nature on the landscape around them, but she did know that water could erode rock over time and that there were lakes and rivers who’s beds were a mix of rocks and sand at various stages of erosion. ”Maybe the water had started to wear away at the rock and this is what is left over after after the water line changed... Or the rocks somehow got washed up here back when the ocean used to cover more of this land... Although that does sound a little fantastical, hm?”