
surely not today



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-08-2020, 05:19 PM
[Image: 7zY8pr0.png?1]

Tamsyn didn't immediately give her an answer and justly so. Demanding the death of another was a heavy burden. Ending the life of a sentient being was something that many could not handle. Justice was something that Resin had meted out many times. Her first kill had been a shock, no matter how prepared she had believed herself to be. After that, she became numb to it. Killing a living, breathing wolf was no different than killing a calf. It was good that Tamsyn thought about it. It was good that she wasn't like Resin. Had the one-eyed woman been the one to make the decision, Tamsyn's father would be a dead man.

The obsidian woman spoke of wanting to be the one to scar the man if she ever saw him again and Resin nodded. That would be a good lesson for the man. A good lesson for Tamsyn as well. It would prove to her that she wasn't any of the things that he said she was. She had worth. She was capable of being strong and thriving. The desire to defend oneself was something that Resin could understand and support. It was the reason that she had always been so hard on Iolaire. How a creature so small could be produced by two giants, Resin would never know. She liked to believe that she had made her daughter tough. Size didn't matter if you were quick and clever. If you knew how to work with that size, then one as small as Tamsyn could be just as deadly as one much larger.

"If you wish it to be so, we can make it happen. I can teach you how to defend yourself. Should we ever encounter the bastard that gave you those scars, you'll be ready for him." Or I can take care of him for you. Those words remained unsaid aloud, but they were spoken within her mind. Tyrants taking advantage of those weaker than themselves needed a taste of their own medicine.

They never did get to finish listing their scars. Duty was calling to the large dame. She needed to finish her patrols before night fully fell. Though the night didn't bother her, it was a goal that she set for herself. Back home around dark. Gently extracting her paw from Tamsyn's, the woman rose and gave her thick pelt a shake, preparing her muscles for miles of walking. "Did Zee give you a place to stay?" Obsidian ears flicked forward as she stared down at the dark fae. No doubt the pair would run into one another again. In fact, Resin was quite looking forward to it.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]