
The Last Chick


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

03-09-2020, 02:33 PM

Odette Mooncrest

Had it been weeks or months at this point? Odette couldn't remember anymore. The female had been working day and night on getting her chicken farm up and running. If she wasn't hunting down more wild birds for her gene pool, or building additions to the chicken hut, or culling bad chicks from the populations, she was sleeping or tending to her handmaiden duties. But when was the last time Odette had spoken to those outside of her King and Queen, their heirs? This was the question running through her mind as she slipped through the trees beyond her den, her nose close to the ground as she followed the small impressions in the wet dirt.

One of her best hens had successfully hatched half a dozen eggs several weeks ago, and it had taken Odette and Cordonia all of their energy to keep the young chicks safe. One chick, in particular, was giving the fawn woman enough grief to warrant a funeral in his name. She had named him Dash, for his unbelievable talent for running away the second someone wasn't looking. Ever since he hatched, it seemed like something was calling him beyond the border, beyond Odette's protection and into the dangers of the wild once more. His little adventures had caused Odette to chase after him. Though it helped her tracking capabilities, it was becoming tiresome, enough so that she had to seriously consider his worth to her flock.

Dash and his siblings were going to be Odette's prized flock, because their mother produced to most eggs and their father was gigantic. Together, Odette was hopeful the hens would be thick and produce many eggs, and the roosters would grow large and plump like their father; prime for feeding the pack warriors. However, to ensure they reached their maximum potential, Odette had planned on letting the hatchlings grow... except, perhaps, Dash. "This is your last run, Dash, so help me." She huffed under her breath, making a turn around another tree before realizing just how close to the border she was traveling. If the chick crossed the border, Odette wouldn't be able to follow him. "You wouldn't dare..." she mumbled softly before taking off once more, silently hoping for his safety despite it all.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.