
i found a way to catch that feel good


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-10-2020, 12:05 AM

The hunt for her new den had started far earlier than she originally planned. Her sleep had been few and far between, coming in fitful busts and turning into a night of short naps rather than a full night of sleep. Most of it was spent dissecting her own thoughts and emotions that had been stirred up during her conversation with Resin. Many different subjects came up during her musing and pondering throughout the night, most of it more confused or excited than anything which was a welcome change of pace from the nightmares that typically plagued her. However, as the night wore on her mind started to wander down that path and her last attempt at sleep was abruptly ended by a dream of her fighting with her father. The imaginary image of blood running down his throat in the same way it had hers the last night she saw him implanted itself into her mind and ruined any remaining attempts at sleep.

She finally gave up on it entirely when the sun had just began to peak over the horizon and cast enough light for her to see well by. Tam set out to explore more of the territory and see where she might be able to set more permanently. She thought the decision would have been a more difficult one to make, but when she found an area was was largely unoccupied near the river it felt just felt right. It didn’t seem like many others had picked this immediate area, but she wasn’t too far from everyone else either. She liked the sound of the flowing river and once she saw the sunrise coming over the river she decided this was as good a place as any. A small den that had clearly been home to another kind of animal in the past was enough for her to get started with and she spent most of the morning digging out a bit more space for herself. Tamsyn probably could have left it at that and been content, but she liked having a project to put her mind to. She spent some time stabilizing the den’s entrance and finding some long grasses and softer brush to line the floor of her den. By the time late morning rolled around, Tam had a den that she was more than happy with for herself.

She stood back and admired it for a moment with a small smile. It wasn’t much to look at really and it was still fairly small, but it was enough for her to be comfortable and to be able to move out of the dens near the common area so that was enough for now. Satisfied with her work, Tamsyn went over to the river’s edge to start washing the dirt off her paws. Maybe she wouldn’t have bothered to clean them off right away normally, but... she was going to try and find Resin next and that was enough to put a nervous flutter in her chest as it was. She couldn’t go looking for the warrior without looking her best. Her mind kept insisting that she was just nervous to begin training to fight and that doing this was all just a way to delay it, but her heart wasn’t convinced.