
i found a way to catch that feel good



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-11-2020, 04:05 PM
[Image: 7zY8pr0.png?1]

As was her way, Resin had risen long before the sun. Scarred paws carried her around the perimeter of the Armada territories. She marked, inspected anything suspicious, and made sure that the home of her daughter was safe for another day. The behemoth did this so often that she'd beaten a track into the ground from the constant movement of paws. That served as its own border and warning. She had never been one to sit still, and so patrolling the borders suited her just fine.

While she carried out her work, the sound of action pulled her attention off of the beaten trail. Peering through the long grass, the woman's lone eye rested upon the working form of Tamsyn. It seemed as though the small woman had decided to craft her own den. Resin found herself grinning slightly. The thought that the small, dark fae was taking the time to set down roots seemed to ease something in the maned woman's mind. She liked the idea that she would be able to see Tamsyn every day if she so wished. There was work to be done, however, and so Resin didn't make her presence known. She did have an idea for later. Something that she imagined might make the small woman smile.

Once her morning patrols were done, Resin stopped at her own den. One that she share with her sister, Meadow and her charge, Dunkan. Moving about the spacious abode, she collected various things. Once satisfied with her gatherings, Resin took them between her jaws and made her way to Tamsyn's freshly dug den. When she arrived, the woman wasn't even within that den. From the splashing, she surmised that the obsidian fae was in the river cleaning up. With a shrug, the giantess ducked inside of the small den and deposited her bundle in the center of it. Backing out, she gave her ashen pelt a shake before seating herself to wait for Tamsyn's return.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]