
The Last Chick


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

03-12-2020, 09:19 AM

Odette Mooncrest

A small smile pulled on her lips at the thought of locating little Dash and having him look up to the large male. The young rooster may have gotten use to the tiny fawn woman... but this giant... would surely have the chick shaking in his feathers. Was it terrible of her to be thinking such thoughts? Probably, but a justified one at that. Odette, lost in her thoughts, was abruptly yanked back into the conversation when the male slipped her name by his tongue. Lady? She thought for a moment, wondering if the male had not understood the ranking Odette held.

Out of all the females in the pack, Odette was least deserving of such an honorable title. But a small part of her felt overjoyed by the sound, as if she could one day achieve such a rank; as if others could see her as such a woman. Her smile grew to a small grin, as she turned her gaze away, attempting to hide her excitement. "Thank you for helping. I'm sure a warrior like you has more important things to attend to than runaway livestock. But I am happy to meet a pack mate who's kind enough to help." After her first encounters with the alphas and healers, it was actually quite refreshing to meet someone who was so openly kind. Unlike the others, Killian Klein did not offer several harsh layers before showing a kinder side.

Cerulean blue orbs followed his dark crown as he took the lead, pleasantly surprised to know warriors could track... well at least this one did. "You look like an experienced tracker. Do warriors get taught such a skill to hunt down enemies? Or are you just a natural?" Her words were soft as she followed his tracks, sniffing the faint three-pronged prints before lifting her head to search the brush. Odette's ears perked at Killian's voice, her head turning towards his direction in an instant. "Alright." She whispered, moving swiftly across the ground with carefully placed steps, trying her best to be as silent as the Plain would let her.

Thin form allowed the woman to slip between the thicket when she dipped her head low, laying her ears against her head to avoid getting caught on the branches. A flash of copper swept through the greenery, and Odette was kicking up dirt as she dashed after him. "I'm going to take to his left, hopefully turn him back towards you! If you seen him, try and grab his legs, dangle him upside down! They stop struggling faster that way!" Odette called out as she bobbed and weaved through the vegetation, the pitter-patter of tiny talons becoming increasingly louder as she moved to close the gap.

When Dash came into her sights, only a few yards in front of her, Odette jumped forward and to the left of the bird, startling the young rooster. He let out a loud shriek, before turning and running back the way he came, unknowingly, closer to where Odette had last seen the warrior Killian. Odette followed at a slower pace, continuing to act as a barrier for the chicken; sticking to his right side and slowly pushing him forward. "Coming back that way! Hope you're fast!" She called out playfully, chuckling softly to herself as she picked up the pace, urging Dash forward more.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.