
as we collide



08-24-2013, 06:29 AM
ADMIN NOTE: Challenges are always AW.

An eerie sense of lifelessness haunted the sun-dried plains; troubled by the wandering ghosts of slaughtered souls, polluted by the once-crimson stains of spilled life, though sheddings now discoloured to that of nauseating brown; cooked into the veins of corrupted surfaces, seared into the palms of defeat. It was sordid to say the least, fluctuating breaths of decay would infiltrate reluctant lungs, curling at the base of porous sponges only to be thrust athwart, as if in trepidation of catching something infectious. Hardly a favourable destination to hub upon the defeat of a naive babe; what was so incredibly royal about sharing ones blood with so many other dismal rabbles before era? A King deserved greater, did such a desolate hell merit the taste of an angels being? Hardly.

The ghoul would hover motionless beneath the expanding of premature sun, beaming within the magnificence of his superior aura. Today Alacritis would learn of his prominence, heed to his initial victory. Just one of many, no doubt, for loss was not an option for a fiend with such impenetrable pride; towering walls guarding the soul of his writhing persona. Hence the fine selection of warriors that would saunter so regally in his wake; for only his greatest would be presented to the eye of a mounting enemy. Reputation was of upmost importance, one would notice. And so she would be summoned; the wench that stood so foolishly between he and his obsessions, the magpie that would pick so unwisely at his fortitude. A king didn?t fancy being denied of what he wished, and those that imprudently chose to do so would be rapidly reminded of irrational decisions. And they would learn, if he chose to give them the chance of existence.

>>> ooc/ open to taurig, argent, sendoa, vixe & oddity + chrysanthe's chosen wolves