
HEY. Hey you. Yeah, you.




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
03-16-2020, 05:25 PM
Eyrun wasn't quite sure how her question would land. Perhaps the stranger would think she was being flirtatiously suggestive, or maybe she'd take at as a threat - though it seemed more likely that she might be confused by her. Thistle landed somewhere in the middle, seeming a bit perturbed by her words, looking as though she'd swallowed something foul for a moment before she managed to speak. Following her chuckle, a look of amusement lingered, a barely reigned-in smirk now resting on her deceptively delicate features. "You keep your fish," Eyrun let out another loose laugh at her offer... or had it been an offer at all? It had seemed like a begrudging attempt to seem generous when she wanted to be anything but, though truthfully Eyrun didn't blame her. She could count the number of wolves she'd give a piece of her meal to, without a good price, on one paw... maybe it'd take two if she was feeling particularly kind, which she usually wasn't. "I'm after something less.. slimy, myself."

She watched with a raised brow as she carried her fish back to water, washing it off before hunkering down and beginning to feast. Her own movements were slow as she headed to the edge of the lake, peering into the murky shallows, though out of the corner of her eye she continued watching Thistle feast. "What do you think, hm? Worth the effort to catch that thing?" Grabbing a fish or two of her own sounded like a fine plan, certainly a better one than wrestling a mess of fish guts from a stranger's jaws, especially given how furiously she was eating that thing - it was hard to tell whether she was starving or simply trying to make a show of her meal. Either way, Eyrun was amused though not quite impressed with the display.