
ice on ink




4 Years
03-17-2020, 08:30 PM

His heart pounded quickly, fear making the breath hitch in his throat. It was hard enough to see over the pine branches, and he was too afraid to move onward to see what was above him. Lyulf didn't settle when he heard a voice above him, his hackles raising at the sound of a stranger. He dared to peek up again, green eyes settling on a gaze of very similar hue. A massive wolf stood over him on the wide branches, saying that he was practicing his climbing. Ah, so his thoughts had not been wrong that the canopy could hold a wolf's weight. This pale one was a lot larger than him as well, but Lyulf was sure that he would find a way to hurt himself. The mauve marked man was silent for a few moments, simply nodding his head at the other's words, trying to show that he wasn't ignoring him. Being social was not a skill of his, and the art of conversation was even lower on the list. "Climbing, that sounds... interesting," Ly offered, licking at his lips as he shuffled his weight across all four paw.

Now that he knew what was above him, Lyulf walked forward a few paces, spinning so that he could face the other male. His gaze flickered around to his surroundings once more, the height of the trees and the vast thickness of their branches, not wanting to make prolonged eye contact. Shaking the snow off his coat, he blew out a sigh, knowing that he should say something. "I uh... didn't know that wolves could climb trees," Came his muttered words, his ears pulling back against his skull. The spotted wolf didn't like that he was so awkward, there had been a time when he wasn't like this as well. But now, even having the smallest conversation with another sent his anxiety through the roof. Part of him missed the days that he could chat with ease, but the scars of his past held him back. Hopefully it wouldn't anger this young lad, Lyulf was not much of a fighter at all.


Art by Evelyn
[Image: yz1xNJa.png]