
Mud Wrestling




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
03-18-2020, 10:51 PM
Aurielle Adravendi

Her attacks proved fruitful and, as Caelia’s jaws went for her muzzle Aurielle ducked suddenly away, feeling her opponent's breath warm her face, haunches coiling as her chin suddenly dipped, mane dragging in the mud crown presented to her opponent as she suddenly shoved off with her hind legs, back claws sinking down into the muck. She sought to drive her crown into the side of Caelia’s face, at the jaw, all her force put into that launch of her hind end.

She sought to continue the attack, right foreleg stretching out to aim for Caelia’s left shoulder-blade and plant squarely, aiming to shove the younger woman sideways as her left foreleg lifted and aimed for Caelia’s left front ankle, hoping to shove it out from under the girl.

She was pleased. For a beginner who had missed out on much of her initial training, Caelia was holding up well, not giving up hope as each attack missed or glanced off the Spirit. She’d be a formidable wolf when she was fully trained, making her late mother’s name proud.

Aurielle Rhiannon Marie Adravendi vs Caelia for Spar
Round 3/3
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bladed leather bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather torso armor
Companion 1: Mountain lion, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Long upper canines - Offensive
Skills: Master Intellectual & Expert Fighter
Specialty: Tactician

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.