
You Gotta Be Kitten Me [Caelia]

Let's eat a cat

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
03-24-2020, 04:43 PM

Cai sat under a bright Autumn moon, gazing out into the moorland outskirts. He was on duty for sentry tonight, and so far, it was a quiet night. There was a nip in the air that chilled his black nose. Their neighbors, the wolves of Aerie, were quiet neighbors so far, and if he squinted, he might catch the occasional vague wolf shape patrolling off to the east, but well away from the borders. Or maybe he was just seeing things.

He thought Caelia might be on her way—she was slated to join him soon enough, staggering the sentry shifts slightly. Aurielle had left half an hour ago to patrol, and so there would be thirty-minute intervals, at random, where only one sentry sat guard at the passage.

He glanced over his shoulder as the thought occurred, smiling hopefully as he thought he heard his sister’s paws on the ground, coming toward him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t her.

Shit… How had a lion slipped in without being spotted? Who was supposed to be at the southern pass and wasn’t? Were they okay?

He howled a sharp alarm as he whirled on the wall and dove straight at the big cat, glad for the armor he was wearing. Those paws had big sharp claws and he didn’t fancy wearing their marks.

He didn’t hesitate, even those his heart was pounding with more than a little fright and adrenaline. The big maned cat snarled as the chocolate splotched Adravendi charged into him, ducking as one of those paws came at him. He felt a claw rip through the tip of his left ear and bit back a snarl of his own before he dove in and sank his teeth into the other paw and ripped his head side to side, growling as he released it to bound out of range of the next volley of paw-slaps the tawny beast sent his way.

Shitshitshit, sis where are you!

He couldn’t spare a glance to see if she was coming, or if maybe Aurielle had heard the howl and come blazing - literally – in to sink her canines into this trespasser. The lion held all his attention, which e knew was bad—one needed to be fully aware of his surroundings in a fight, lest there be more enemies attempting to flank him.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think