
Something Stings

Seasonal Prompt

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

03-25-2020, 09:53 AM

Odette Mooncrest

Odette was noticing more and more about their homeland; the way the chickens when allowed to feed on one particular area for prolonged period of time, ended up barren of any green. The way the birds were drawn to lush plots of greens and flower beds, where ever the bugs and worms would be fullest. As their caretaker, she was always concerned for their well being, as each hen had a price on their head; a wealth to be gained in the pack. Not only did they offer eggs and meat to feed the ever growing empire, they also offered means of trade, if and when the pack ever needed to trade goods. As such, Odette was always looking for new ways to better their lifestyle to gain the most profit. Happy hens, were productive hens. It was in their name that the fawn woman ventured deep into the Sea's Plain, into the tall trees, with her cerulean blue orbs stuck to the branches above in hopes of striking gold.

She was on the hunt for a beehive. The bigger and more successful, the better. She knew they carried life into the plants that surrounded their home, and if she was lucky, one day she might even find a way to harvest their honey for medicinal and consumption purposes. But all that was theoretical, because first step was finding an active beehive, which was deeming more challenging than she originally bargained for. Perhaps the shorting days and chilled nights had caused the bees to be more reclusive, or perhaps they simply didn't have an active hive on the land. But as she walked along the sparse forest floor, the soft lull of the ocean just beyond her sights echoing in the wood. Then.. a soft hum sounded just above the waves.. so faint, the woman nearly missed it. Thinking it was just a part of her hopefully imagination.

She paused mid-stride and let her ears perk up, turning in all directions to try and hone in on the sound. Was it coming from the left? No... maybe the right? Which direction should she go? It all but seemed hopeless until the woman sighed, tilting her head up towards the heavens as a silent plea to whatever greater being was mocking her. Odette opened her eyes slowly, about to accept that fate was simply too cruel today, and she would have to try again another time, when she caught sight of it. Large drapes of honey cones seeped down from the hallowed inside of the tree, the light hum of the honey bees slowly bumbling about. Over joyed her struck of luck, Odette nearly leaped into the air, that was until she realized loud noises near their home, might very well anger their queen and thus the hoard.

She found the hive, it appeared active and still producing, but now the question was; how does she get it back to the hen house? Odette pondered this for a moment, looking around the area for anything useful to get to the honey bee hive. All that was around her was the ocean, some fallen sticks and leaves... and a branch! Odette's eyes lit up as she found a particularly large, somewhat sturdy looking, branch laying across the forest floor. Clearly it had fallen down from a nearby tree, why, she wasn't sure, but she was happy to have it. The fawn woman padded over quickly, wrapped her maw around the bulk of the wood, and attempted to lift. She strained for a moment or two, swaying from side to side as the weight of the branch seemed to shift  with each of her trembling steps. Finally she made it back to the honey bee tree, and she set down the fallen branch against the wood as she panted heavily. This was more difficult than she originally planned.

Why couldn't the bees just be coaxed into moving their home? If only she could have a conversation with their leader, convince them they would have a better life closer to all the pack gardens. But no, they wanted to live in a tree next to the ocean, too far to help her hens and the gardens. With a huff and a new found determination, Odette grasped onto the branch once more, craning her neck to point a long end of the wood towards the sky. Her blue eyes narrowed as she tensed, prepared to slam into the base of the hanging hive and hope it was enough to knock it down in one fell swoop. The woman charged the hive, letting the weight of the branch swing down and collide with the honey bee hive with an echoing smack.

For a moment there was a pause in time as Odette let the branch fall from her lips and bounce against the forest floor, and the hive swayed from its tree into the wind, and begin to fall. There was a moment where Odette simply watched, the smile on her face slowly fell as the sound of angry bees rushed her ears, and the sound continued to grow closer as the hive fell towards her. Oh no... in a flash Odette was running back with her tail tucked, but gravity was faster than her own four paws. The hive struck the ground and opened up a hoard of angry bees, clearly searching for their homewrecker. The female had hoped she was far enough, fast enough, but as the first prick of a sting smacked into her backside, she knew she was still within their grasp. She needed to loose them... now. Panic fueled her legs and urged them forward, but where could she go to hide from the angry swarm?

Another sting, maybe two, before she heard the lull of the ocean once more. That's it! With lightning speed and zero grace the woman bounded for the waves, knowing the fluttering stings could not follow her under the water. Tripping over washed up debris and yelping every time she was assaulted with another sting in her rump, Odette surely was anything but smooth as she landing into the ocean with a large splash. There, the woman let her body submerge itself beneath the waters fully, and peered up through the salted see to witness a hoard of angry bees swarming above the water where they had surely seen her dive in last. With hope in her heart and a dire need for oxygen in her lungs, Odette paddled her way beneath the water, some distance from the honey bees, before breaching the surface with a loud gasp for oxygen.

With the bees preoccupied with the last location they saw their assaulter, Odette managed to climb onto shore, stumbling over hidden roots and debris as she went, constantly looking over her shoulder for another swarm attack. With her rump sore, she had no intent of furthering this journey, but rather wanted to simply go back home and rest for the next foreseeable future. It would seem the bees had won the day, but she would return soon.. with more equipment... and collect her prized bee hive. "For the good of the empire, I shall return... you little wasps."


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.