
You Gotta Be Kitten Me [Caelia]

Let's eat a cat



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
03-25-2020, 11:16 AM
Despite the fact that Valhalla had been peaceful for quite some time now, Caelia was having trouble sleeping on this particular autumn night. Though she was due for sentry duty soon, she was having trouble settling down at all long before she was due to meet up with Cairo. Any rest tonight seemed like a far-off possibility, though hopefully after sentry duty she might be tired enough to sleep. Currently she was trekking through the moor, grateful for the quiet night to hopefully help stifle her anxious thoughts. So far, it seemed to be helping - the brisk cool autumn air, at least relatively cool for the western lands, was a welcome distraction. Occasionally she paused to search the territory ahead, though with the lazy interest of someone merely passing through, not the high-alert of someone on guard duty.

But an unusual sound alerted her that something unexpected was happening. The voice was familiar, but not distinct enough that she could pick out exactly what - or who - it was, not from this distance. Brows furrowed as she wheeled around, cautiously heading toward the noise. It increased in volume, and only then did she realize it was Cairo. Shit, she was supposed to be heading to meet him soon anyway, wasn't she? Instinct took over as her pace increased, frantic and worried as she headed toward the sound... though she slowed as she eventually neared her brother and the creature he was currently facing off against.

The lion's silhouette was visible even from a distance, and it become clear all at once that this wasn't just any intruder, but something much more dangerous. Though she knew her small frame was no real match against the lion, at least on her own, she had to do something - sitting idly by and letting her brother get mauled wasn't even an option. A loud growl of warning ripped from her throat, ringing out with far more raw aggression than she'd expected, as she lunged toward the canine's flanks - hoping to grab hold of one of its paws and at the very least cause it to divert its attention from Cairo for a moment.