
You said you don't want me anymore



5 Years
Extra large
08-24-2013, 12:56 PM

Are you always so polite Taurig? Her words were accompanied by a bark of laughter. Taurig was slightly taken aback, but made sure that it wasn't obvious in his expression. Clearly by her question, she wasn't used to be around mannered wolves. Not that he really minded, it was just a bit odd to be questioned for his ways. Indeed I am ma'am. His own hint of amusement laced his words, a quiet chuckle rumbling in his chest at her surprise. She was the first one to question his mannerisms. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but like his politeness was to her, her questioning of his manners was odd to him. But he wasn't one to dwell. A moment later it was already forgotten as she spoke up, dissuading his notion that he had interrupted something, a shake of her head accompany her words. Well that was good.

What brings you out here? She wasn't doing too bad in making conversation. The Knight watched her as she stood, coming a bit closer to him, seating herself slightly to his right, her interestingly ringed tail curling around her haunches in an attempt to guard herself from the quickly dropping temperature. It had no effect on the young man, having been accustomed to the never ending cold in the north. Just exploring really. I hail from Glaciem and in my spare time I like to wander around the areas close to my home, get to know them better. What about yourself? He threw the question back at her, wondering if she would actually plunge into the conversation or provide him with a vague answer.

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