
its not too late to pick up the pieces


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-26-2020, 02:27 PM

Tamsyn stopped and turned to look at the male when he stated that he did actually know something about this area and got up to follow her with a scoff. She eyed him curiously for a moment, but let it go and continued on around the mountain so she could keep her attention on the barren landscape around them. She could have sworn from the way he had reacted to her that he didn’t want to be bothered, but it seemed like she had been wrong. She tried not to dwell on it, instead listening as he told her more about the eruption.

Her assumption that the eruption had been recent was correct - not quite a year ago it seemed. She looked at the heavily ash covered land around them and wondered how long it would take to return to normal... if it ever did. It would certainly take years, that much was for certain. She gave the red-marked male another glance when he mentioned how he had been lucky to be further north when this all happened. It was something she could easily agree with. She tried not to think about how many wolves had been in the path of the eruption when it happened, but it was an inevitable topic in her train of thought. It was far easier and less heartbreaking to focus on the current state of the volcano, but to understand how it had gotten this way meant she had to consider the event itself as well.

She thought again about the dormant volcano that she and Natha had discovered and how full of life it had been. She knew the land around this volcano would recover eventually as well... it was just a matter of being patient and letting nature take its course. ”It seems calm enough now at least,” she commented as she shifted her gaze to look further up toward the top of the mountain. ”I doubt there will be a lot of wolves clamoring to visit for a while, but... Maybe everything can begin to heal and regrow now.” Even though she was thinking more about the land itself and the nature she was sure had been here once upon a time, she realized it reflected to the creatures that had lived here as well.