
If you jump, I’ll follow

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

03-26-2020, 05:09 PM

Nolan waited for someone to answer his mother’s call with as much patience as he could muster. It was a mix of being excited to meet these wolves that he had heard so many stories about and an eagerness to get his mother somewhere for her to rest. He was acutely aware that her health was not in the greatest of shapes and even though he knew she wasn’t going to pass away right this very moment, he still wanted to hold on to every minute with her that he could. He tried not to let on that he was worried for her, but he was sure she could tell.

Soon enough a wolf - or at least he thought it was a wolf - came to greet him but he wasn’t sure if he was actually seeing a living, breathing wolf or some kind of spirit. His eyes widened and he made a quick glance toward his mother to make sure that she could see this as well and he wasn’t suddenly just being haunted by a ghost. He tried his best to maintain his composure, but she was glowing! He was shocked at how calmly his mother greeted the stranger and it was probably for the best that she hadn’t expected him to speak right away.

The shimmering, pale woman in front of them spoke in the language that he recognized as the one his mother and aunt would say short phrases to each other in from time to time, but none of it really quite made sense in his ears. He could pick out a few words here and there, but his knowledge of this old language was certainly limited. Hearing this wolf that appeared she had come from a different planet speak in such a language only added to her mystique and Nolan found himself dumbfounded by it all. As they began talking back and forth he suddenly wished he knew more of the language so he could tell what they were saying. His mother had taught him a little bit here and there, but he honestly hadn’t had much time to spend on it. Between his father and aunt passing and his mother’s declining health, he hadn’t had much of a chance to focus on anything other than caring for his family.

He dipped his head politely to Aurielle as his mother introduced him. ”Pleased to meet you,” he replied in his own masculine, gentle tone. His voice leaned on the deeper side of tenor with an indistinguishable accent that seemed like a mix and match of everyone he had grown up around. For the most part he was quiet and attentive as his cousin spoke to explain the ways of her pack to them. If there was one thing that had been instilled in him from a very early age it was to be respectful. He followed along behind the ghost-like woman, keeping on an eye on Baine as they walked while still paying close attention as Aurielle spoke of Valhalla, the ranks and laws, and the culture of it all.

His pale pink gaze shifted fully to Aurielle when she addressed him specifically, asking which of the circles he would choose if he stayed. He honestly forgot that he had a choice of staying or not. He had assumed that if they were welcomed into the pack that he would stay, there had been no doubt in his mind for the whole trip here. It had been what his mother had wanted so he didn’t question it. However, even given the choice, he thought he would still stay as long as they wanted him to. Family was incredibly important to him and if this was his chance to connect with more of his family then he was happy to do just that. ”I’m equally confident with fighting and hunting. I know enough about healing to get by, but I wouldn’t say that’s my talent. Honestly, I’m happy to do whichever would benefit the pack the most if you have a need for any particular skill.” He didn’t want to insist on being a fighter if she needed a hunter or vice versa. Caring for and protecting others was deep in his bones so wherever he would be the most helpful was where he wanted to be.