
Claw My Face Off [Nolan]

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

03-28-2020, 12:41 AM

Nolan watched with intrigue while Cairo set to work tracing out the shape and size for his bracers. He tried to picture them as they were described and could already see how they would be helpful in a fight. His father would always get him by his front legs somehow when they were practicing and had always always instilled in him how important it was to defend them so he could stay on his feet. Of course he had been just a pup at the time so any sort of more advanced movement had been tough, but he was sure his father had known just how limited their time would be together so he appreciated the lessons he had gotten from him all the same.

He nodded with understanding as his newly found relative described where he would like the claws be to placed around his toes. All of it was such a new concept to him and he was absolutely fascinated. ”Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!” Nolan mentioned when Cairo mentioned how it was going to be more difficult without the primates that some of the others had with them. He wasn’t sure if another set of paws would make much of a difference, but maybe he could at least hold things in place while he assembled or something of the like.

His ears perked when the offer was made for him to make something as well. He grinned and nodded eagerly, his eyes already beginning to scan the various leathers and materials while he tried to wrap his brain around what he could make. ”Thank you, I’d love to! Why don’t I help you make yours and then I’ll make mine? That way I can see how you do it first.”