
I See You


08-24-2013, 01:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:58 AM by Gael.)

Of course I forgive you, my big man. You meant well, I know. Silver plume wagged happily behind him, cerulean gaze alight with relief and joy. He was glad that she could easily forgive him. He wasn't sure he would be able to stand having her upset with him. Thank you little woman. Kissers upturned in a smile, his heart thumping unevenly in his chest at her kiss. Even being apart for a week couldn't take away the fact that every time he saw her, his stomach always turned to knots and it was like his heart was sprinting a marathon. He leaned down, placing a tender lick between her eyes, just in the middle of her forehead. They were still friends who acknowledged the fact that they their feelings went beyond friendship, but Meili meant a lot more to the young Adravendi than she realized. More than he thought anyone other than his family could mean to him.

No worries, you didn't know. If it had been anyone else though I would have been very annoyed with them, but how can I be mad at you? He chuckled quietly to himself, shrugging at her words. He didn't really know, but he really glad that she wasn't. As amazing as it would be to stand around all day gazing at each other, Mei had lost her lunch for the day and Gael was determined to help her get it back. He pressed himself closer to her after her kiss to his chin, allowing his gaze to mimic hers in inspecting the valley. See anything yet? He whispered quietly, allowing his breath to tickle her ear, chest pressed against her right shoulder.

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