
Claw My Face Off [Nolan]

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

03-28-2020, 11:34 PM

It was a long process to get Cairo’s bracers together, but it was one that he throughly enjoyed. It was nice to be able to unwind and get to know Cairo a bit more while they went to work on the intricate pieces of leather. He was sure other yearlings wouldn’t find something so slow and time consuming this interesting, but he certainly did. That had always been part of his personality though - feeling older than he actually was and loving to learn anything that may be a challenge.

When Cairo declared that they were good enough, Nolan grinned happily and looked over their handiwork while he continued to debate what he wanted to do for his. ”I think... I want to do something fairly simple for now - just very defensive. My father always tried to drill how important it was to be on the defensive so I feel like he would approve.” He smiled wistfully before turning to the collection of raw materials they had to use with a thoughtful hum.

”I like the sheepskin you did on the inside of yours - that seems like a really good idea. I think I’ll use some of this thicker hide for the majority of it around my legs and maybe something a little softer to cover the top part of my paws just so it doesn’t hinder too much... I wish I had some pieces of metal like you said Aurielle has, but maybe longer, thin pieces... That way I could put them around the front and sides to make them even tougher.” He used one paw to draw out what he meant on the opposite leg, making imaginary shapes over the pale fur of rectangles that ran the length of his foreleg, maybe six in total. ”Maybe I’ll scavenge around after we finish getting settled in and see what I can find so I can add them later. But even just some of this thick leather will be better than nothing! What do you think?”